This is not cool.
I have flip flops to wear.
And the worst thing to ever wear in the rain is...
You guessed it: flip flops.
They flip.
They flop.
They splatter water and who knows what else from the street onto your white jeans.
So, may I suggest a perfect rainy day shoe for the spring and summer?
Boat shoes.
Think about it.
Boat= water.
Boatshoes= water shoes.
Hunter has brought us these amazing shoes in pink nubuck and black patent.
Personally, I like the black patent for rainy days and the pink for sunny days.
The water just washes right off the black patent leather.
And of course...
you look cute even when the clouds open up and it rains cats and dogs.
Which actually isn't such a bad thing when you're a dog looking for a boyfriend.
I must go!
A handsome bulldog just fell from the sky!
Happy Shopping!
xoxo Ruby Star xoxo